The story of the film revolves around Kaavya (Paoli Dam) and her transformation from a simple middle class journalist to a sex worker and her revenge where she is exploited both professionally and sexually. Kaavya, a journalist, hits jackpot by publishing a conspiracy scoop about a well known cement company.
Akshay (Jay Bhanushali) falls in love with Sonika (Surceen Chawla) but she is the mistress of corrupt politician Mandar Mhatre (Sushant Singh). She fears for Akshay if Mandar finds out they love each other so decides to get out of Akshay's life. But Akshay is too much in love with her and they decide to leave
Lanka is a story of a woman who recounts her story of being confined to live as an unwed wife of an influential gangster. Dr. Anju Khanna is admonished by hospital administration when she gets upset with a male for assaulting his wife.
In the midst of the hilly terrains of Summer Hill, a young and enterprising girl Ahana, launches her new, warm and cozy boutique hotel called Glendale Forest Lodge. Here, she meets Kunal, a famous author who is one of the first guests at the hotel.
Glimpse of Bollywood
Mr. & Miss India Season 1
Shoots of Bollywood
Mr. & Miss India Season 2
Shoots of Bollywood
Mr. & Miss India Season 3